The J Plant Biotechnol has on online submission and peer review system. Manuscripts should be submitted online at and the instructions on the site should be closely followed. Authors may submit manuscripts and tract their progress to final decision.
Text : To facilitate the review process, manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc). Use basic fonts such as Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Times, or Times New Roman no smaller than 10 points. Special or mathematical characters and Greek letters, which are not on a standard keyboard, must be created using the Symbol font. Manuscripts should be submitted as a single document with the information in the following order; abbreviated Original Paper, Image File, Cover Letter, Title Page, Annotated Copy, Clean Copy, Author Opinion, and Final Paper.
Illustrations : Do not reveal your identity anywhere in the document. Full title page, acknowledgements, and supplemental material should be submitted as separate files. All figure parts relating to one patient should have the same figure number. In the case of multiple prints bearing the same number, use English letters after the numerals to indicate the correct order.
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Jong Bo Kim
J Plant Biotechnol 2023;50: 63-69Slameto ・Indri Fariroh ・Budi Kriswanto ・Didik Pudji Restanto ・Kacung Hariyono
J Plant Biotechnol 2023;50: 11-18Tae-Ho Park
J Plant Biotechnol 2023;50: 45-55Said Bouhraoua ・Mohamed Ferioun ・Srhiouar Nassira ・Abdelali Boussakouran ・Mohamed Akhazzane ・ Douae Belahcen ・Khalil Hammani ・Said Louahlia
J Plant Biotechnol 2023;50: 115-126+82-42-825-0970
Journal of
Plant Biotechnology