Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are subject to peer review to determine the validity of the experimental design and results, the significance, and the appropriateness for publication in JPB.

When manuscripts are submitted successfully to the journal's online system, they are initially subjected to a pre-screening step by the editor-in-chief or associate editors. Manuscripts that are poorly written or fail to meet the required format will be rejected during the pre-screening step without further review. Manuscripts that pass this step will be assigned an editor for the selection of two or three anonymous reviewers. The corresponding author will be notified as soon as possible regarding the decision to accept, reject, or request revision of a manuscript by the decision of the editor. The manuscripts evaluated by all reviewers as "accept" or "request minor revisions" are considered to be accepted for publication, although some revisions may be required to address the concerns of the reviewers and/or the editor. In cases where a manuscript is evaluated as "review again after major revisions" or "reject" by at least one of the reviewers, the editor will analyze the reviewers' comments thoroughly and make a decision regarding acceptance or rejection. If there are major flaws in the results of the research or the methodological design, the editor may ask the author to clarify and resubmit, or may reject the manuscript. If a manuscript is classified as "accept with revisions," the author is expected to respond within 3 months, addressing all the comments raised by the reviewers, making appropriate corrections, or stating why the comments are unreasonable. The responsible editor or a reviewer will consider the revisions, and recommend that the associate editors either accept the manuscript for publication or reject it. The author will then be informed by the editor-in-chief of the final decision on the publication of the manuscript. When the final revised manuscript meets all JPB content and format requirements and has been accepted for publication without additional revisions, it will be scheduled for publication in the next available issue.

Vol 52. 2025

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Editorial Office

Journal of

Plant Biotechnology

pISSN 1229-2818
eISSN 2384-1397
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