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  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    1 505 910

    In vitro mass propagation and acclimatization of Haworthia truncata

    Youn Hee Kim · Gee Young Lee · Hye Hyeong Kim · Jae Hong Lee · Jae Hong Jung · Sang Deok Lee

    J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 127-135


    Abstract : The purpose of this study was to investigate suitable parts for callus induction and optimal concentrations of growth regulators, contained in the medium affecting shoot and rooting for in vitro mass production of Haworthia truncata. Leaves and flower bud showed 100% callus formation rate at NAA 1~2 mgL-1 treatment, and NAA 1 mgL-1 + TDZ 2 mgL-1 treatment. The flower stalk showed 75% callus formation rate, at NAA 2 mgL-1 + TDZ 2 mgL-1 treatment in H. truncata. While the rate of callus formation was high in leaves and flower bud, leaves were the most efficient in obtaining most culture parts. Shoot induction rate from callus was highest, at NAA 0.1 mgL-1 treatment in H. truncata. Additionally, the number of shoots formation was 66.3 shoots high, in NAA 1 mg L-1 + BA 0.1 mgL-1 treatment in H. truncata. In the case of acclimatization of regenerated plant, growth characteristics did not show significant difference (95%) shading with respect to the different ratio of substrate mixture, and it was determined that would be appropriate, considering plant height and appearance preference of H. truncata. It was established that optimization of culture condition, was responsible for mass propagation in vitro cultures of H. truncata.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    2 363 798

    Abstract : This study was conducted to investigate the optimal culture method for gametophyte and sporophyte propagation in Coniogramme japonica (Thunb.) Diels, which can be used in various fields. The propagation of prothallus were cultured in 1/4 1 Murashige and Skoog medium and Knop medium for 10 weeks. The results indicated that the fresh weight of prothallus was the highest (14.5 g) in 1MS medium. Subsequently, various concentrations of sucrose, activated charcoal and nitrogen source were also added to 1MS medium and cultured for 8 weeks. The results provided that the sucrose concentration was 3% and the fresh weight of prothallus was the highest 10.8 g. According to the concentration in the range of 8.8~10.8 g, in the case of activated charcoal, the four treatments showed no significant difference. The nitrogen source was added at a concentration of 30, 60 and 120 mM with the ratio of NH4+ : NO3- being 1 : 2. As a result, the fresh weight of all treatments increased to similar level but there was no significant difference. We investigated sporophyte formation according to soil type and the highest number of sporophytes at 228.0 was formed in soils mixed with horticultural substrate and decomposed granite at 2 : 1 (v : v). On the other hand, sporophyte was not formed in soils containing peatmoss except for the one with peatmoss and decomposed granite at 2 : 1 (v : v).

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    9 732 1008

    Abstract : Efficient protocol for plant shoot regeneration of Brassica juncea L. CZERN was established by using organic media components and growth stimulating factors of the vermicompost and coelomic fluids. Formulated organic plant tissue culture media (Vermicompost (30%) extracts supplemented with 20 mL/L coelomic fluid) have shown maximum shoot regeneration when compared with the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, which were supplemented with 1 mg/L 6-benzyladenine (BA) and 0.1 mg/L of Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Cotyledon explants produced the highest shoot regeneration frequency from four- day-old germinated seedlings in comparison with non-germinated seedlings. The vermicompost extracts have proved to be the best organic plant growth media to induce shoots from cotyledons compared to the MS media. Statistically significant difference (P = 0.008) for the root length, shoot length (P =0.000350) and the leaves (P=0.375) of the mustard plantlets were analyzed successfully. The survival rate was 98% in the mustard cotyledons on the Vermicompost extract media and 63% on MS media respectively. The coelomic fluid also is much suitable to induce shoots from cotyledons at lower concentrations. It was also shown that the vermicompost extract, which comprised of humic acids along with coelomic fluid, affected shoot regeneration from the cotyledons. An efficient and organic shoot regeneration study was standardized and it can be applicable in the improvement of the economically important crops.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    5 741 1015

    Abstract : The objective of this study was to carry out treatment of various plant hormones in order to determine morphological and genetic variation degree of tissue-cultured strawberry. The cultivar used in this experiment was ‘Goha’ and ‘Seolhyang’, the plant hormones used for experiment were benzyladenine (BA), N-(2-Chloro-4 pyridyl)-N’- phenylurea (CPPU) and thidiazuron (TDZ), and the concentrations were 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mg·L-1 with each hormone. The BA treatment of the proliferation efficiency of tissue- cultured strawberry ‘Goha’ and ‘Seolhyang’ was the highest. When processing BA, CPPU and TDZ, morphological variation and genetic variation happened in strawberry ‘Goha’ and ‘Seolhyang’, especially, the variations appeared highly in CPPU treatment. The genetic variation in ‘Goha’ appeared at the concentration more than BA 0.5 mg·L-1 as 1.1%, appeared at the concentration of CPPU 0.5 mg·L-1 as 15.3%, and at the concentration of TDZ 2.0 mg·L-1 as 1.2%. The genetic variation in ‘Seolhyang’ appeared at the concentration of BA 4.0 mg·L-1 as 2.3%, and at the concentration of CPPU 0.5 mg·L-1 as 14.3%. Therefore, CPPU should not be treated during strawberry tissue culture, and BA and TDZ should be treated at low concentration.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    4 400 810

    Abstract : Dehydration Responsive Element Binding (DREB) gene is one of the essential transcription factors plants use for responding to stress conditions including salinity, drought, and cold stress. The purpose of this study was to isolate the full length and characterize the DREB gene from three different genotypes of sugarcane, wild, commercial cultivar, and interspecific hybrid sugarcane. The length of the gene, designated ScDREB was 789 bp, and coding for a putative polypeptide of 262 amino acid residues. Sequences of the gene were submitted to the GenBank database with accession numbers of KX280722.1, KX280721.1, and KX280719.1 for wild sugarcane, commercial cultivar (KPS94-13), and interspecific hybrid (Biotec2), respectively. In silico characterization indicated that the deduced polypeptide contains a putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequence, and a conserved AP2/ERF domain of the DREB family, at 82-140 amino residues. Based on multiple sequence alignment, sequences of the gene from the three sugarcane genotypes were classified in the DREB2 group. Gene expression analysis indicated, that ScDREB2 expression pattern in tested sugarcane was up-regulated by salt stress. When the plants were under 100 mM NaCl stress, relative expressions of the gene in leaves was higher than those in roots. In contrast, under 200 mM NaCl stress, relative expressions of the gene in roots was higher than those in leaves. This is the first report on cloning the full length and characterization, of ScDREB2 gene of sugarcane. Results indicate that ScDREB2 is highly responsive to salt stress.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    2 290 811

    Physiological and molecular analysis of OsTPS30 by gamma irradiation

    Se Won Kim · In Jung Jung · Sang Hoon Kim · Hong-Il Choi · Si-Yong Kang · Jin-Baek Kim

    J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 88-96


    Abstract : Terpenes constitute a large class of secondary metabolites in plants. The Oryza sativaterpene synthase is a vital gene in plant defense response. In this study, the molecular and physiological functions of Oryza sativaterpene synthase 30 (OsTPS30, LOC_Os08g07080) were investigated after exposure of the seeds and plants to gamma-rays. The OsTPS30 expression was slightly induced at 200 Gray (Gy), but was significantly induced at 400 Gy. The total terpenoid was synthesized more in OsTPS30- overexpressing (OX-OsTPS30) Arabidopsisthaliana plants than in wild-type (WT) plants. The OX-OsTPS30 plants exhibited resistance to gamma-rays, as compared to WT. The OX-OsTPS30 plants had significantly increased height and weight after gamma irradiation. Additionally, the activity of antioxidant enzymes was increased more in OX OsTPS30 plants than in WT plants after gamma irradiation. Furthermore, the OsTPS30-GFP fusion protein was mostly localized in the chloroplast, suggesting that OsTPS30 is putative MEP pathway-related terpene synthase.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    12 367 785

    Abstract : One of wild diploid Solanum species, Solanum chacoense, is one of the excellent resources for potato breeding because it is resistant to several important pathogens, but the species is not sexually compatible with potato (S. tuberosum) causing the limitation of sexual hybridization between S. tuberosum and S. chacoense. Therefore, diverse traits regarding resistance from the species can be introgressed into potato via somatic hybridization. After cell fusion, the identification of fusion products is crucial with molecular markers. In this study, S. chacoense specific markers were developed by comparing the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) sequence of S. chacoense obtained by NGS (next-generation sequencing) technology with those of five other Solanum species. A full length of the cpDNA sequence is 155,532 bp and its structure is similar to other Solanum species. Phylogenetic analysis resulted that S. chacoense is most closely located with S. commersonii. Sequence alignment with cpDNA sequences of six other Solanum species identified two InDels and 37 SNPs specific sequences in S. chacoense. Based on these InDels and SNPs regions, four markers for distingushing S. chacoense from other Solanum species were developed. These results obtained in this research could help breeders select breeding lines and facilitate breeding using S. chacoense in potato breeding.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    3 647 1270

    Abstract : The objective of this study was to use ‘Danta PR’, NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technology for genome resequencing to develop polymorphic makers between Chinese oriental melon, ‘Hyangseo 1’ and Korean oriental melon. From the resequencing data that covered about 81 times of the genome size, 104,357 of SSR motifs and Indel, and 1,092,436 of SNPs were identified. 299 SSR and 307 Indel markers were chosen to cover each chromosome with 25 markers. These markers were subsequently used to identify genotypes of ‘Danta PR’ BC1 (F1 x ‘Danta PR’) population and a genetic linkage map was constructed. SSR, Indel, and SNPs identified in this study would be useful as a breeding tool to develop new oriental melon varieties.

  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2019

    3 447 952

    Morphological and molecular analysis of indigenous Myanmar mango (Mangifera indica L.) landraces around Kyaukse district

    May Sandar Kyaing · April Nwet Yee Soe · Moe Moe Myint · Honey Thet Paing Htway · Khin Pyone Yi · Seinn Sandar May Phyo · Nwe Nwe Soe Hlaing

    J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 61-70


    Abstract : There is vast genetic diversity of Myanmar Mangoes. This study mainly focused on indigenous thirteen different mango landraces cultivated in central area of Myanmar, Kyauk-se District and their fruit characteristics by 18 descriptors together with genetic relationship among them by 12 SSR markers. Based on the morpho-physical characters, a wide variation among accessions was found. Genetic characterization of thirteen mango genotypes resulted in the detection of 302 scorable polymorphic bands with an average of 4.33 alleles per locus and an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.7. All the genotypes were grouped into two major clusters by UPGMA cluster analysis and a genetic similarity was observed in a range of 61~85%. This study may somehow contribute insights into the identification of regional mango diversity in Myanmar and would be useful for future mango breeding program.

Vol 52. 2025


Journal of

Plant Biotechnology

pISSN 1229-2818
eISSN 2384-1397
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