Youn Hee Kim · Gee Young Lee · Hye Hyeong Kim · Jae Hong Lee · Jae Hong Jung · Sang Deok Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 127-135Abstract : The purpose of this study was to investigate suitable parts for callus induction and optimal concentrations of growth regulators, contained in the medium affecting shoot and rooting for
Kyungtae Park · Bo Kook Jang · Cheol Hee Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 119-126Abstract : This study was conducted to investigate the optimal culture method for gametophyte and sporophyte propagation in
Suman Kashyap · Seema Tharannum · Taarini R
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 114-118Abstract : Efficient protocol for plant shoot regeneration of
Hye Jin Kim · Jong Nam Lee · Mi Ja Choi · Jong Taek Suh
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 106-113Abstract : The objective of this study was to carry out treatment of various plant hormones in order to determine morphological and genetic variation degree of tissue-cultured strawberry. The cultivar used in this experiment was ‘Goha’ and ‘Seolhyang’, the plant hormones used for experiment were benzyladenine (BA), N-(2-Chloro-4 pyridyl)-N’- phenylurea (CPPU) and thidiazuron (TDZ), and the concentrations were 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mg·L-1 with each hormone. The BA treatment of the proliferation efficiency of tissue- cultured strawberry ‘Goha’ and ‘Seolhyang’ was the highest. When processing BA, CPPU and TDZ, morphological variation and genetic variation happened in strawberry ‘Goha’ and ‘Seolhyang’, especially, the variations appeared highly in CPPU treatment. The genetic variation in ‘Goha’ appeared at the concentration more than BA 0.5 mg·L-1 as 1.1%, appeared at the concentration of CPPU 0.5 mg·L-1 as 15.3%, and at the concentration of TDZ 2.0 mg·L-1 as 1.2%. The genetic variation in ‘Seolhyang’ appeared at the concentration of BA 4.0 mg·L-1 as 2.3%, and at the concentration of CPPU 0.5 mg·L-1 as 14.3%. Therefore, CPPU should not be treated during strawberry tissue culture, and BA and TDZ should be treated at low concentration.
Sontichai Chanprame · Tanawan Promkhlibnil · Sakulrat Suwanno · Chanakan Laksana
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 97-105Abstract : Dehydration Responsive Element Binding (
Se Won Kim · In Jung Jung · Sang Hoon Kim · Hong-Il Choi · Si-Yong Kang · Jin-Baek Kim
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 88-96Abstract : Terpenes constitute a large class of secondary metabolites in plants. The
Soojung Kim · Tae-Ho Park
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 79-87Abstract : One of wild diploid
Woon-Ho Song · Sang-Min Chung
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 71-78Abstract : The objective of this study was to use ‘Danta PR’, NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technology for genome resequencing to develop polymorphic makers between Chinese oriental melon, ‘Hyangseo 1’ and Korean oriental melon. From the resequencing data that covered about 81 times of the genome size, 104,357 of SSR motifs and Indel, and 1,092,436 of SNPs were identified. 299 SSR and 307 Indel markers were chosen to cover each chromosome with 25 markers. These markers were subsequently used to identify genotypes of ‘Danta PR’ BC1 (F1 x ‘Danta PR’) population and a genetic linkage map was constructed. SSR, Indel, and SNPs identified in this study would be useful as a breeding tool to develop new oriental melon varieties.
May Sandar Kyaing · April Nwet Yee Soe · Moe Moe Myint · Honey Thet Paing Htway · Khin Pyone Yi · Seinn Sandar May Phyo · Nwe Nwe Soe Hlaing
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(2): 61-70Abstract : There is vast genetic diversity of Myanmar Mangoes. This study mainly focused on indigenous thirteen different mango landraces cultivated in central area of Myanmar, Kyauk-se District and their fruit characteristics by 18 descriptors together with genetic relationship among them by 12 SSR markers. Based on the morpho-physical characters, a wide variation among accessions was found. Genetic characterization of thirteen mango genotypes resulted in the detection of 302 scorable polymorphic bands with an average of 4.33 alleles per locus and an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.7. All the genotypes were grouped into two major clusters by UPGMA cluster analysis and a genetic similarity was observed in a range of 61~85%. This study may somehow contribute insights into the identification of regional mango diversity in Myanmar and would be useful for future mango breeding program.
Journal of
Plant BiotechnologyUPGMA dendrogram showing genetic relationship between thirteen mango accessions based on the 12 SSR markers