Jae-Young Song, Marjohn Niño, Franz Marielle Nogoy, Yu-Jin Jung, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, and Yong-Gu Cho
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 107-114Abstract : Implementation of crop improvement programs relies on genetic diversity. To overcome the limited occurrence of natural mutations, researchers and breeders applied diverse methods, ranging from conventional crossing to classical biotechnologies. Earlier generations of knockout and gain-of- function technologies often result in incomplete gene disruption or random insertions of transgenes into plant genomes. The newly developed editing tool, CRISPR/Cas9 system, not only provides a powerful platform to efficiently modify target traits, but also broadens the scope and prospects of genome editing. Customized Cas9/guide RNA (gRNA) systems suitable for efficient genomic modification of mammalian cells or plants have been reported. Following successful demonstration of this technology in mammalian cells, CRISPR/Cas9 was successfully adapted in plants, and accumulating evidence of its feasibility has been reported in model plants and major crops. Recently, a modified version of CRISPR/Cas9 with added novel functions has been developed that enables programmable direct irreversible conversion of a target DNA base. In this review, we summarized the milestone applications of CRISPR/ Cas9 in plants with a focus on major crops. We also present the implications of an improved version of this technology in the current plant breeding programs.
Seok-Won Jeong, Hankuil Yi, Hayoung Song, Soo-Seong Lee, Youn-Il Park, and Yoonkang Hur
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 115-124Abstract : Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a maternally inherited trait leading to loss of the ability to produce fertile pollen and is extensively used in hybrid crop breeding. Ogura- CMS was originally generated by insertion of
Md. Zaherul Islam, and Hae Keun Yun
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 125-134Abstract : Enhanced disease susceptibility1 (EDS1) is a regulator of basal defense responses required for resistance mediated by TIR-NBS-LRR containing R proteins. We identified three transcripts of EDS1-like genes encompassing diverse/ separate expression patterns, based on the transcriptome analysis by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of
Soo Jin Lee, Yong-Wook Shin, Yun-Hee Kim, and Shin-Woo Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 135-141Abstract :
Lisha P. Luke, M.B. Mohamed Sathik, Molly Thomas, Linu Kuruvilla, and K.V. Sumesh
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 142-148Abstract : Drought stress is one of the important factors that restrict the expansion of
Sang Ryeol Park, Hye Seon Kim, Kyong Sil Lee, Duk-Ju Hwang, Shin-Chul Bae, Il-Pyung Ahn, Seo Hyun Lee, and Sun Tae Kim
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 149-155Abstract : Bacterial blight in rice caused by
Ismail Bezirganoglu, and Pınar Uysal
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 156-163Abstract : A greenhouse experiment was conducted for evaluation of ecological effects of transgenic melon plants in the rhizospheric soil in terms of soil properties, enzyme activities and microbial communities. Organic matter content of soil under transgenic melon plants was significantly higher than that of soil with non-transgenic melon plants. Significant variations were observed in organic matter, total P and K in soil cultivation with transgenic melon plants. There were also significant variations in the total numbers of colony forming units of fungi, actinomycetes and bacteria between soils treated with transgenic and non-transgenic melon plants. Transgenic and non-transgenic melon significantly enhanced several enzymes activities including urease, acid phosphatase, alkalin phosphatase, arysulphtase, β glucosidase, dehydrogenase, protease and catalase. Soil polyphenoloxidase activity of T1 transgenic melon was lower than that of T0 transgenic melon and a non-melon plant during the same period. The first generation transgenic melon plants (T0) showed significantly greater (p<0.05) effect on the activitiy of arylsulfatase, which increased from 2.540x106 CFU g-1 (control) to 19.860x106 CFU g-1 (T0). These results clearly indicated that transgenic melon might change microbial communities, enzyme activities and soil chemical properties.
Sang-Gyu Seo, Sun-Hee Ryu, Yang Zhou, and Sun-Hyung Kim
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 164-170Abstract : A rapid and efficient
Jeung-Sul Han
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 171-177Abstract : A callus-mediated regeneration protocol for sea-milkwort, an endangered coastal plant species in South Korea, is reported here. The explants of in vitro-plantlets generated from a node culture revealed distinguishable responses in callus induction depending on genotype, explant source, light condition, and 2,4-D concentration. Especially, continuous darkness exclusively facilitated callus induction from explants prior to other treatments. The calli initiated on the media with 2,4-D ranging from 0.1 mg/L to 3.0 mg/L in the dark vigorously proliferated when sub- cultured on the same media in continuous darkness. Given 1.0 mg/L zeatin in addition to darkness to the calli of the ‘Pistachio’ genotype, normal adventitious shoots were only regenerated from nodular structures that formed earlier from the calli at the frequency of 24.4 percent. Regenerated shoots easily grew into plantlets with roots and green color on a phytohormone-free MS medium under lighted condition, that were used for node culture as plant materials. Node culture effectively multiplied plantlets in accordance with protocol by Bae et al. (2016). Acclimatized plantlet clusters developed mature plant clusters under inland environment, followed by flowering the following April. Results were merged with node culture protocol suggested by Bae et al. (2016), which, as an in vitro propagation system for sea-milkwort, may contribute to natural habitat restoration.
Ashokraj Shanmugam, Mohammad Rashed Hossain, Sathishkumar Natarajan, Hee-Jeong Jung, Jae-Young Song, Hoy-Taek Kim, and Ill-Sup Nou
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(2): 178-190Abstract :
Journal of
Plant BiotechnologyExpression profiling of fructose related genes in contrasting strawberry cultivars
|@|~(^,^)~|@|Expression profiling of glucose related genes in contrasting strawberry cultivars
|@|~(^,^)~|@|Expression profiling of sucrose related genes in contrasting strawberry cultivars
|@|~(^,^)~|@|Expression profiling of soluble sugar related genes in contrasting strawberry cultivars