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  • ErratumSeptember 30, 2017

    0 137 579

    Isolation and Expression of Dormancy-associated protein 1 (DRM1) in Poplar (Populus alba × P. glandulosa)

    Seo-Kyung Yoon, Eun-Kyung Bae, Hyunmo Choi, Young-Im Choi, and Hyoshin Lee

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 207-207

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    3 331 1227

    Genome-wide analysis of heterosis-related genes in non-heading Chinese cabbage

    Hankuil Yi, Jeongyeo Lee, Hayong Song, Xiangshu Dong, and Yoonkang Hur

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 208-219


    Abstract : Heterosis or hybrid vigor describes a phenomenon that superior phenotypes compared to the two parents are observed in the heterozygous F1-hybrid plants. Identification and characterization of heterosis-related genes (HRGs) will facilitate hybrid breeding in crops. To identify HRGs in Brassica rapa, we analyzed transcriptome profiling using a Br300K microarray in non-heading Chinese cabbage at three developmental stages. A large number of genes were differentially expressed in F1 hybrids and non-additive expression was prominent. Genes that are expressed specifically for F1 hybrid at all three stages were Brassica-specific uncharacterized genes and several defense-related genes. Expression of several photosynthesis- and stress-related genes were also F1 hybrid-specific. Thirteen NBS-LRR class genes showed high and specific expression in F1 hybrid Shulu: some of them were characterized as defense genes in Arabidopsis, but most have not been. Further characterization of these defense-related genes in Brassica species and its application will be helpful for understanding the role of defense responses in heterosis. In addition, results obtained in this study will be valuable to develop molecular markers for heterosis and disease resistance in B. rapa.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    0 363 890

    Analysis of ZjWRKY3, ZjWRKY7 induced by multiple stress in Zoysia japonica

    Woo-Nam Kim, In-Ja Song, Hong-Gyu Kang, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Dae-Hwa Yang, Yong-Eok Lee, Yong-Ik Kwon, and Hyo-Yeon Lee

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 220-228


    Abstract : Many crops including cereals, tuber crops, feeds, and turf grasses are often damaged by various environmental stresses such as drought, salt, cold, and high temperature, causing the reduction of their productivity. Plants are sessile and cannot escape from environmental stresses. Thus, plants evolve in the direction of overcoming the environmental stresses. Some plant genes such as ARF, ABI3, NAC, HSF, and WRKY are known to respond to environmental stresses as they transcriptionally regulate the stress response pathways. For example, the OsWRKY76 gene contributes to the enhanced resistance to low temperatures and pathogenic infections. The AtWRKY28 also plays a role in environmental stresses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) is popularly grown for gardens and golf courses. However, the function of the WRKY gene, another environmental stress-related gene, is not known in zoysiagrass. In this study, the ZjWRKY3 and ZjWRKY7 genes with one shared WRKY domain have been isolated in zoysiagrass. The expression of these genes increased in response to low temperature, drought, and salt stresses. Furthermore, the infection of the brown patch-causing Rhozoctonia solani induced the expression of ZjWRKY3 and ZjWRKY7. The corresponding proteins bind to the W-box of the Zjchi promoter, possibly regulating their transcriptions. The researchers suggest that the ZjWRKY3 and ZjWRKY7 genes transcriptionally regulate abiotic and biotic stress related downstream genes

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    6 454 1280

    Gene expression analysis related to ethylene induced female flowers of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) at different photoperiod

    Muhammad Maulana Malikul Ikram, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Fenny Martha Dwivany

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 229-234


    Abstract : Photoperiod is one of the factors affecting productivity of cucumber plant by inducing ethylene hormone production and so triggering flower sex differentiation into female flower. However, only few studies have been perfomed in order to reveal the effect of photoperiod in molecular level in relation to the flower differentiation. Therefore, in this study, Mercy cultivar of cucumber (andromonoecious) was treated with photoperiod of 8, 12, 16 hours of light, while control received no treatment of additional light. Photoperiod of 8 hours was achieved by blocking the sunlight with shade net and 16 hours by giving longer light exposure using white LEDs. Cucumber’s flowers were quantified and the apical and lateral shoots were extracted to evaluate the gene profile related to the photoperiod, ethylene production, and female flower differentiation, which were CsACS2, CsETR1, CsCaN, and CsPIF4 using PCR method. Photoperiod of 8 hours affected the production of female flower with average number of 6.7 flowers in main stem and 8.0 flowers in lateral stem, compared to photoperiod of 12 and 16 hours which produced 3.7 and 2.0 flowers in main stem with 7.0 and 11.3 in lateral stem, respectively. In silico studies in this experiment resulted in proposed model of signal transduction that showed the connection between ethylene production and flower differentiation. PCR analysis confirmed the expression of CsACS2, CsETR1, and CsCaN, that was positively correlated with numbers of female flowers in cucumber, but the expression of CsPIF4 that represent photoperiod haven’t been confirmed correlated with the ethylene production and flower differentiation.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    5 369 836

    Abstract : Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau is a widely-used, medicinal, perennial and woody plant. Obtaining information about the genetic diversity of plant populations is highly important with regard toconservation and germplasm utilization. Although C. tricuspidata is an important medicinal plant species registered in South Korea, no molecular markers are currently available to distinguish Korean-specific ecotypes from other ecotypes from different countries.In this study, we developed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers derived from the chloroplast and nuclear genomic sequences, which serve to to identify distinct Korean- specific ecotypes of C. tricuspidata via amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR and high resolution melting (HRM) curve analyses. We performed molecular authentication of twelve C. tricuspidata ecotypes from different regions using DNA sequences in the maturaseK (MatK) chloroplast intergenic region and nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. The SNP markers developed in this study are useful for rapidly identifying specific C. tricuspidata ecotypes from different regions.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    0 244 1611

    Discrimination of Korean rice varieties as revealed by DNA profiling and its relationship with genetic diversity

    Me-Sun Kim, Jae-Young Song, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, and Yong-Gu Cho

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 243-263


    Abstract : This study is to establish the varietal discrimination based on DNA profiling of different varieties of rice. We examined the genetic distance among Korean rice varieties using allele frequencies and a genetic diversity analysis with Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) markers. The analysis of the genetic diversity and genetic relationships of 243 Korean rice varieties was varied out using 20 SSRs markers. A total of 268 alleles were detected, ranging from 6 to 32, with an average of 13.45 alleles per locus, and and average of gene diversity (GD) of 0.556. Seven SSR markers were selected as key markers for discrimination among the Korean rice varieties. Concerning the results, 243 varieties (100%) were discriminated among by using acrylamide gel and fragment analyzer-based markers. In conclusion, this study provides useful basic data that can be utilized concerning Korean rice varieties breeding and development. In addition, we will have to manage and conserve as a valuable genetic resource, without losing the diversity of Korean rice varieties.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    1 270 1215

    Interplay between Brassinosteroid and ABA signaling during early seedling development

    Hyemin Kim, Jeongeui Hong, Yong-Gu Cho, Kwon Kyoo Kang, and Hojin Ryu

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 264-270


    Abstract : Brassinosteroid (BR), a plant steroid hormone, plays a critical role in the growth and developmental processes through its canonical signaling and crosstalk with various internal and external signaling pathways. Recent studies have revealed the essential interplay mechanisms between BR and ABA during seed germination and early seedling establishment. However, molecular mechanisms for this important signaling crosstalk are largely unknown. To understand the crosstalk between BR-mediated signaling pathways and ABA functions during early seedling development, we carried out a comparative genome-wide transcriptome analysis with an Agilent Arabidopsis 4 x 44K oligo chip. We selected and compared the expression patterns of ABA response genes in ABA-insensitive bes1-D mutant with wild type seedlings on which ABA was exogenously applied. As a result, we identified 2,353 significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in ABA-treated bes1-D and wild type seedlings. GO enrichment analysis revealed that ABA signaling, response, and metabolism were critically down-regulated by BR- activated signaling pathways. In addition, the genome-wide transcriptome analysis data revealed that BR-regulated signaling pathways were tightly connected to diverse signal cues including abiotic/biotic stress, auxin, ROS etc. In this study, we newly identified the molecular mechanisms of BR-mediated repression of ABA signaling outputs. Also, our data suggest that interplay among diverse signaling pathways is critical for the adaptive response of the plant to various environmental factors.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    10 311 1077

    Overexpression of Brassica rapa GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR genes in Arabidopsis thaliana increases organ growth by enhancing cell proliferation

    Joon Ki Hong, Seon-Woo Oh, Jeong Hoe Kim, Seung Bum Lee, Eun Jung Suh, and Yeon-Hee Lee

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 271-286


    Abstract : GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR(GRF) genes encodeplant-specific transcription factors containing two conserved QLQ and WRC domains and play criticalroles inregulating the growth and development of lateral organs, such as cotyledons, leaves, and flowers. Toexplore the agricultural potential of Brassica rapa GRF genes(BrGRFs), the researchersisolatedseven BrGRFs(BrGRF3-1, 3-2, 5, 7, 8-1, 8-2, and 9)and constructed BrGRF-overexpressing Arabidopsis thaliana plants (BrGRF-OX). BrGRF-OXplants developed larger cotyledons, leaves, andflowers as well as longer rootsthan the wild type. The increase in size of these organs were due to increases in cell number, but not due to cell size. BrGRF-OXplants alsohad larger siliquesand seeds. Furthermore, BrGRF-OXseeds produced more oil than the wild type. RT-PCR analysis revealed that BrGRF sregulatedexpression of a wide range ofgenes thatare involved in gibberellin-, auxin-, cell division-related growth processes. Taken together, thedata indicates that BrGRF sact aspositive regulators of plant growth, thus raising the possibility thatthey may serve as a useful genetic source for crop improvement with respect toorgan size and seed oil production.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    12 376 1186

    Abstract : Water temperature is one of the major factors that impacts the growth and life cycle of Pyropiatenera, one of the most valuable and cultivated marine red algae belonging to Bangiales (Rhodophytes). We analyzed transcriptome from gametophyte of P. teneraunder normal and high temperature conditions, and identified four small heat shock proteins (sHSPs). They have no significant amino acid sequence homology with known proteins in public databases except PhsHSP22 from Pyropiahaitanensis. PtsHSP19.3gene responded to high temperature but slightly or not to desiccation, freezing or high salt condition. When the PtsHSP19.3gene was overexpressed in Chlamydomonasreinhardtii, transformed Chlamydomonaslines revealed much higher growth rate than that of control cells under heat stress condition. Transformed cells also grew well in those of the control cell onto the medium containing high salt or H2O2. When the PtsHSP19.3was fused to GFP and introduced into tobacco protoplast, fluorescence was detected at several spots. Results indicate that PtsHSP19.3 may form super-molecular assembles and be involved in tolerance to heat stress.

  • Research ArticleSeptember 30, 2017

    2 529 1086

    Overexpression of an oligopeptide transporter gene enhances heat tolerance in transgenic rice

    Eun-Ju Jeong, Jae-Young Song, Dal-A Yu, Me-Sun Kim, Yu-Jin Jung, Kwon Kyoo Kang, Soo-Chul Park, and Yong-Gu Cho

    J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 296-302


    Abstract : Rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars show an impairment of growth and development in response to abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, heat and cold at the early seedling stage. The tolerance to heat stress in plants has been genetically modulated by the overexpression of heat shock transcription factor genes or proteins. In addition to a high temperature-tolerance that has also been altered by elevating levels of osmolytes, increasing levels of cell detoxification enzymes and through altering membrane fluidity. To examine the heat tolerance in transgenic rice plants, three OsOPT10 overexpressing lines were characterized through a physiological analysis, which examined factors such as the electrolyte leakage (EL), soluble sugar and proline contents. We further functionally characterized the OsOPT10 gene and found that heat induced the expression of OsOPT10 and P5CS gene related proline biosynthesis. It has been suggested that the expression of OsOPT10 led to elevated heat tolerance in transgenic lines.

Vol 52. 2025


Journal of

Plant Biotechnology

pISSN 1229-2818
eISSN 2384-1397
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