Seo-Kyung Yoon, Eun-Kyung Bae, Hyunmo Choi, Young-Im Choi, and Hyoshin Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 207-207Hankuil Yi, Jeongyeo Lee, Hayong Song, Xiangshu Dong, and Yoonkang Hur
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 208-219Abstract : Heterosis or hybrid vigor describes a phenomenon that superior phenotypes compared to the two parents are observed in the heterozygous F1-hybrid plants. Identification and characterization of heterosis-related genes (HRGs) will facilitate hybrid breeding in crops. To identify HRGs in
Woo-Nam Kim, In-Ja Song, Hong-Gyu Kang, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Dae-Hwa Yang, Yong-Eok Lee, Yong-Ik Kwon, and Hyo-Yeon Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 220-228Abstract : Many crops including cereals, tuber crops, feeds, and turf grasses are often damaged by various environmental stresses such as drought, salt, cold, and high temperature, causing the reduction of their productivity. Plants are sessile and cannot escape from environmental stresses. Thus, plants evolve in the direction of overcoming the environmental stresses. Some plant genes such as ARF, ABI3, NAC, HSF, and WRKY are known to respond to environmental stresses as they transcriptionally regulate the stress response pathways. For example, the OsWRKY76 gene contributes to the enhanced resistance to low temperatures and pathogenic infections. The AtWRKY28 also plays a role in environmental stresses. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) is popularly grown for gardens and golf courses. However, the function of the WRKY gene, another environmental stress-related gene, is not known in zoysiagrass. In this study, the ZjWRKY3 and ZjWRKY7 genes with one shared WRKY domain have been isolated in zoysiagrass. The expression of these genes increased in response to low temperature, drought, and salt stresses. Furthermore, the infection of the brown patch-causing Rhozoctonia solani induced the expression of ZjWRKY3 and ZjWRKY7. The corresponding proteins bind to the W-box of the Zjchi promoter, possibly regulating their transcriptions. The researchers suggest that the ZjWRKY3 and ZjWRKY7 genes transcriptionally regulate abiotic and biotic stress related downstream genes
Muhammad Maulana Malikul Ikram, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, and Fenny Martha Dwivany
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 229-234Abstract : Photoperiod is one of the factors affecting productivity of cucumber plant by inducing ethylene hormone production and so triggering flower sex differentiation into female flower. However, only few studies have been perfomed in order to reveal the effect of photoperiod in molecular level in relation to the flower differentiation. Therefore, in this study, Mercy cultivar of cucumber (
Soo Jin Lee, Yong-Wook Shin, Yun-Hee Kim, and Shin-Woo Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 235-242Abstract :
Me-Sun Kim, Jae-Young Song, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, and Yong-Gu Cho
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 243-263Abstract : This study is to establish the varietal discrimination based on DNA profiling of different varieties of rice. We examined the genetic distance among Korean rice varieties using allele frequencies and a genetic diversity analysis with Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) markers. The analysis of the genetic diversity and genetic relationships of 243 Korean rice varieties was varied out using 20 SSRs markers. A total of 268 alleles were detected, ranging from 6 to 32, with an average of 13.45 alleles per locus, and and average of gene diversity (GD) of 0.556. Seven SSR markers were selected as key markers for discrimination among the Korean rice varieties. Concerning the results, 243 varieties (100%) were discriminated among by using acrylamide gel and fragment analyzer-based markers. In conclusion, this study provides useful basic data that can be utilized concerning Korean rice varieties breeding and development. In addition, we will have to manage and conserve as a valuable genetic resource, without losing the diversity of Korean rice varieties.
Hyemin Kim, Jeongeui Hong, Yong-Gu Cho, Kwon Kyoo Kang, and Hojin Ryu
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 264-270Abstract : Brassinosteroid (BR), a plant steroid hormone, plays a critical role in the growth and developmental processes through its canonical signaling and crosstalk with various internal and external signaling pathways. Recent studies have revealed the essential interplay mechanisms between BR and ABA during seed germination and early seedling establishment. However, molecular mechanisms for this important signaling crosstalk are largely unknown. To understand the crosstalk between BR-mediated signaling pathways and ABA functions during early seedling development, we carried out a comparative genome-wide transcriptome analysis with an Agilent
Joon Ki Hong, Seon-Woo Oh, Jeong Hoe Kim, Seung Bum Lee, Eun Jung Suh, and Yeon-Hee Lee
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 271-286Abstract :
Yujin Jin, Sungwhan Yang, Sungoh Im, Won-Joong Jeong, EunJeong Park, and Dong-Woog Choi
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 287-295Abstract : Water temperature is one of the major factors that impacts the growth and life cycle of
Eun-Ju Jeong, Jae-Young Song, Dal-A Yu, Me-Sun Kim, Yu-Jin Jung, Kwon Kyoo Kang, Soo-Chul Park, and Yong-Gu Cho
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(3): 296-302Abstract : Rice (
Journal of
Plant BiotechnologyConfirmation of the
The responses of the
Expression of the wild type Dongjin and
The effects of heat stress on the contents of proline in the wild type Dongjin and