J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(4): 472-477
Published online December 31, 2017
© The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology
Correspondence to : e-mail: DLE@Dow.com
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Barnyardgrass (
The barnyardgrass (
Previously, RAPD markers were seen as an effective tool in assessing the genetic diversity of barnyardgrass in the U.S (Rutledge et al. 2000), Korea (Kim et al. 2005) and Turkey (Kaya & Menan 2011). Also, according to Marshall and Fitch, RAPD analysis could distinguish between species in the genus
Seeds from 15
During March to May 2015, using the plant phenology described by Caton et al. 2010, total 25
The dendrogram of 15
Geographic distribution of 13
For comparison, 2 seed samples identified as susceptible and resistant populations from rice fields of Arkansas (Arkansas County) were provided by Dr. Jason K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas.
Seeds from all locations were treated in warm water at 45°C for 20 minutes to break dormancy, then planted and maintained in the greenhouse until plants reached the 3~4 leaf stage to ready for treatment. Day length was 16 h, and the temperature was maintained at 25~28°C during the plant culture period to optimize seedling growth.
Genomic DNA was isolated from leaf tissue using the DNAzol Reagent protocol (CAS No. 593-84-0, Invitrogen, Thermo Scientific Corp., Waltham, MA). Fresh leaf tissue (1 g) from one represented plant in each population was collected and powdered in liquid nitrogen to prepare for DNA extraction. Each homogenized sample (100 mg) was transferred to a microcentrifuge tube containing DNAzol (1.5 mL) and RNAse (150 µL). The solution was mixed and incubated by shaking for 5 min at 25°C. Chloroform (900 µL) was added to the solution and mixed thoroughly for 5 min at 25°C.
The homogenates were centrifuged at 12,000 x
Forty 10-base pair (bp) oligonucleotide primers (synthesized by Integrated DNA Technology, Inc., Coralville, IA) were first screened on the genomic DNA of the 15
Genetic distance and cluster analyses were conducted for 15 E. crus-galli populations using the PCR products of 6 informative primers. For each sample, bands were scored as present (1) or absent (0). The similarity matrix was calculated based on Simple Matching Coefficient (SMC) (Sneath & Sokal 1973). Genetic distance was calculated by the following formula: 1-SMC. We used the NT-SYS 2.1 program to run a cluster analysis to construct an unweighted pair group method average (UPGMA) dendrogram.
Plants were grown under the same conditions as used for the DNA extraction and RAPD analysis. At the 3~4 leaf stage, the seedlings were treated with a foliar application of quinclorac (25% SC formulation) at doses that were equal to 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1 to calculate the LD90. The experimental design was a completely randomized block, with 4 replications, one pot per replication and 10 plants per pot. Herbicide application was made in a spray booth (Research track sprayer SB-8, Devries Manufacturing, Hollandale, MN); pressure was calibrated to deliver 300 L ha-1 at 140 kPa. At 14 days after treatment (DAT), the mortality rate was assessed by counting the number of surviving and completely killed plants. The LD90 for each population was calculated by non-linear regression model using GraphPad Prism 7.02 (San Diego, CA) software. Mortality and herbicide rate were fitted into a four parameter logistic curve:
Among the 40 oligonucleotide primers screened, six primers which produced polymorphic bands and showed repeatable results were selected for the analysis. They were OP-E01, OP-H02, OP-N07, OPH02, DAS04 and DAS08 (Table 1). These primers produced 55 bands, ranging from 50 to 1367 bp; average number of polymorphic bands was 7.7 bands per primer.
Table 1 Six informative primers in RAPD analysis of
No | Name | Sequence 5’-3’ | Number of amplified bands | Number of polymorphic band | Percent of polymorphic band |
1 | OP-E01 | CCCAAGGTCC | 8 | 7 | 87.5% |
2 | OP-H02 | TCGGACGTGA | 10 | 9 | 90.0% |
3 | OP-N07 | CAGCCCAGAG | 9 | 6 | 66.7% |
4 | OP-K20 | GTGTCGCGAG | 9 | 8 | 88.9% |
5 | DAS04 | TGAGGAGGAG | 10 | 10 | 100.0% |
6 | DAS08 | AACGTCTGCC | 9 | 6 | 66.7% |
Total | 55 | 46 | - | ||
Average | 9.1 | 7.7 | % |
*Primers 1-3 were cited from Rutledge et al. 2000, primer 4 was cited in Kim et al. 1998, primers 5-6 were randomly generated.
Cluster analysis separated the 15 populations into 2 main clusters with a distance between clusters of 0.39 (Fig. 1). Cluster 1 contained 12 populations while Cluster 2 contained only 3 populations. In Cluster 1, there were 5 subclusters. Cluster 1.2 was the largest and contained 6 populations: TG-03, HG-06, HG-02, TG-08, TG-03, CT-04. These populations were closely related, and the within-subcluster genetic distances were 0.17 or less.
Genetic distance between TG-03 and HG-06 populations was the smallest (0.09) among the 15 populations. At a 0.09 genetic distance level, TG-03 and HG-06 may have originated from a single population. Geographic distance between the two sampled locations was approximately 130 km (Fig. 2), therefore, they were likely introduced into fields by artificial factors or contamination in rice seeds, however, the origin source is unknown. CT-01 population belonged to Cluster 2 while the other populations in same province (CT-02, CT-04, CT-08, CT-10) were in Cluster 1. In this case, the geographic isolation seemed to have little impact on genetic variation. It is hypothesized that the two populations, Cluster 1 and Cluster 2, were different
In order to categorize the herbicide resistance levels of these populations, the rating system for S (susceptible) and R (resistant) classification described by Moss et al. (2007) was adopted. The ratings of S, R?, RR and RRR were based on comparing the percentage of weed control at 250 g a.i. ha-1 (recommended labeled dose of quinclorac for barnyardgrass control). Prior to this study, there was no official report estimating the LD90 of
Locations and results of quinclorac resistance characterization are shown in Fig. 2. There were three populations in category R? (resistance maybe evolving) with R/S ratios of 1.9~2.2 and percent control at the labeled dose ranging from 73~76%. The R/S ratios of the four populations in category RR ranged from 2.3~3.8 with control efficacy of 47~50% at labeled dose. The highest resistance group RRR contained 4 populations with R/S ratios from 4.9~6.3, and the labeled dose provided 5-32% weed control within this group.
The most resistant population was CT-02 with a considerably high LD90 value, 1813 g a.i ha-1, indicating that quinclorac at the commercial dose will no longer control this population, higher dose of quinclorac was required to control the RR and RRR populations, therefore, quinclorac use was not economically favored and likely impractical for field weed control of these populations.
The main target weed of this study at the beginning was
The genetic distance between populations within subclusters and quinclorac resistance level were analyzed in order to find a possible correlation between genetic similarity (RAPD results) and resistance level. In general, genetic distance did not correlate to quinclorac resistance. Within Cluster 1.1, there were two populations of CT-10 and KG-01 linked at 0.22 genetic distance level, but their LD90s differed over 6-fold (1408 versus 210 g a.i ha-1). Similar to Cluster 1, different levels of quinclorac resistance were found in six populations in Cluster 1.2 (genetic distance 0.17). Two groups of TG-03 and HG-06 and HG-02 and CT-08 showed minor differences in genetic distance (0.09 to 0.1, respectively) but the resistance levels to quinclorac were categorized differently between those populations (Table 2). On the other hand, populations that showed similar LD90 exhibited high genetic distance. For example, CT-10 (Cluster 1.1) and A-R (Cluster 2.2) showed similarity in LD90 (1406 and 1487 g a.i ha-1) but were genetically dissimilar; these two populations were linked at 0.39 genetic distance level. Similarly, VL-01 and KG-01, were both identified as same susceptible to quinclorac, but the two populations were distantly related at a 0.39 genetic distance level.
Table 2 Lethal dose of quinclorac needed to kill 90% of the population (LD90) and the Resistant level of 15
Population | Quinclorac LD90 (g a.i ha-1) | R/S | % control at 250 g a.i ha-1 | Category* |
KG-01 | 210f | - | 97a | |
VL-01 | 228f | - | 92a | |
TG-03 | 272f | - | 88ab | |
HG-03 | 348ef | - | 88ab | |
CT-08 | 545e | 1.9 | 76b | |
HG-06 | 558e | 1.9 | 73b | |
CT-01 | 643d | 2.2 | 74b | |
CT-04 | 659d | 2.3 | 50c | |
HG-02 | 678d | 2.4 | 48c | |
A-S | 686d | 2.4 | 45c | |
HG-01 | 1087c | 3.8 | 47c | |
CT-10 | 1406b | 4.9 | 32d | |
A-R | 1487b | 5.2 | 18e | |
VL-03 | 1606a | 5.6 | 8e | |
CT-02 | 1813a | 6.3 | 5e |
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 (
*Resistance level rating based on % control at label dose and R rating scale suggested by Moss et al. (2007) where control efficacy at label dose of susceptible (S) is 81 ~ 100%; R? is 72 ~ 80%; RR is 36 ~ 71% and RRR is 0 ~ 35%.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Dave Ouse, Debbie Bingham-Burr, Staci Weaver and Bill Moskal of Research and Development, Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis for valuable research support. We also appreciate Dr. Jason Norsworthy, the University of Arkansas for donating the weed seed and giving us permission to use them for the study.
J Plant Biotechnol 2017; 44(4): 472-477
Published online December 31, 2017 https://doi.org/10.5010/JPB.2017.44.4.472
Copyright © The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology.
Duy Le
Dow AgroSciences B.V 106 Nguyen Van Troi, Phu Nhuan district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam,
Can Tho University, Can Tho city, Vietnam,
Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis, U.S.,
Dow AgroSciences LLC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Correspondence to: e-mail: DLE@Dow.com
This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Barnyardgrass (
The barnyardgrass (
Previously, RAPD markers were seen as an effective tool in assessing the genetic diversity of barnyardgrass in the U.S (Rutledge et al. 2000), Korea (Kim et al. 2005) and Turkey (Kaya & Menan 2011). Also, according to Marshall and Fitch, RAPD analysis could distinguish between species in the genus
Seeds from 15
During March to May 2015, using the plant phenology described by Caton et al. 2010, total 25
The dendrogram of 15
Geographic distribution of 13
For comparison, 2 seed samples identified as susceptible and resistant populations from rice fields of Arkansas (Arkansas County) were provided by Dr. Jason K. Norsworthy, University of Arkansas.
Seeds from all locations were treated in warm water at 45°C for 20 minutes to break dormancy, then planted and maintained in the greenhouse until plants reached the 3~4 leaf stage to ready for treatment. Day length was 16 h, and the temperature was maintained at 25~28°C during the plant culture period to optimize seedling growth.
Genomic DNA was isolated from leaf tissue using the DNAzol Reagent protocol (CAS No. 593-84-0, Invitrogen, Thermo Scientific Corp., Waltham, MA). Fresh leaf tissue (1 g) from one represented plant in each population was collected and powdered in liquid nitrogen to prepare for DNA extraction. Each homogenized sample (100 mg) was transferred to a microcentrifuge tube containing DNAzol (1.5 mL) and RNAse (150 µL). The solution was mixed and incubated by shaking for 5 min at 25°C. Chloroform (900 µL) was added to the solution and mixed thoroughly for 5 min at 25°C.
The homogenates were centrifuged at 12,000 x
Forty 10-base pair (bp) oligonucleotide primers (synthesized by Integrated DNA Technology, Inc., Coralville, IA) were first screened on the genomic DNA of the 15
Genetic distance and cluster analyses were conducted for 15 E. crus-galli populations using the PCR products of 6 informative primers. For each sample, bands were scored as present (1) or absent (0). The similarity matrix was calculated based on Simple Matching Coefficient (SMC) (Sneath & Sokal 1973). Genetic distance was calculated by the following formula: 1-SMC. We used the NT-SYS 2.1 program to run a cluster analysis to construct an unweighted pair group method average (UPGMA) dendrogram.
Plants were grown under the same conditions as used for the DNA extraction and RAPD analysis. At the 3~4 leaf stage, the seedlings were treated with a foliar application of quinclorac (25% SC formulation) at doses that were equal to 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha-1 to calculate the LD90. The experimental design was a completely randomized block, with 4 replications, one pot per replication and 10 plants per pot. Herbicide application was made in a spray booth (Research track sprayer SB-8, Devries Manufacturing, Hollandale, MN); pressure was calibrated to deliver 300 L ha-1 at 140 kPa. At 14 days after treatment (DAT), the mortality rate was assessed by counting the number of surviving and completely killed plants. The LD90 for each population was calculated by non-linear regression model using GraphPad Prism 7.02 (San Diego, CA) software. Mortality and herbicide rate were fitted into a four parameter logistic curve:
Among the 40 oligonucleotide primers screened, six primers which produced polymorphic bands and showed repeatable results were selected for the analysis. They were OP-E01, OP-H02, OP-N07, OPH02, DAS04 and DAS08 (Table 1). These primers produced 55 bands, ranging from 50 to 1367 bp; average number of polymorphic bands was 7.7 bands per primer.
Table 1 . Six informative primers in RAPD analysis of
No | Name | Sequence 5’-3’ | Number of amplified bands | Number of polymorphic band | Percent of polymorphic band |
1 | OP-E01 | CCCAAGGTCC | 8 | 7 | 87.5% |
2 | OP-H02 | TCGGACGTGA | 10 | 9 | 90.0% |
3 | OP-N07 | CAGCCCAGAG | 9 | 6 | 66.7% |
4 | OP-K20 | GTGTCGCGAG | 9 | 8 | 88.9% |
5 | DAS04 | TGAGGAGGAG | 10 | 10 | 100.0% |
6 | DAS08 | AACGTCTGCC | 9 | 6 | 66.7% |
Total | 55 | 46 | - | ||
Average | 9.1 | 7.7 | % |
*Primers 1-3 were cited from Rutledge et al. 2000, primer 4 was cited in Kim et al. 1998, primers 5-6 were randomly generated.
Cluster analysis separated the 15 populations into 2 main clusters with a distance between clusters of 0.39 (Fig. 1). Cluster 1 contained 12 populations while Cluster 2 contained only 3 populations. In Cluster 1, there were 5 subclusters. Cluster 1.2 was the largest and contained 6 populations: TG-03, HG-06, HG-02, TG-08, TG-03, CT-04. These populations were closely related, and the within-subcluster genetic distances were 0.17 or less.
Genetic distance between TG-03 and HG-06 populations was the smallest (0.09) among the 15 populations. At a 0.09 genetic distance level, TG-03 and HG-06 may have originated from a single population. Geographic distance between the two sampled locations was approximately 130 km (Fig. 2), therefore, they were likely introduced into fields by artificial factors or contamination in rice seeds, however, the origin source is unknown. CT-01 population belonged to Cluster 2 while the other populations in same province (CT-02, CT-04, CT-08, CT-10) were in Cluster 1. In this case, the geographic isolation seemed to have little impact on genetic variation. It is hypothesized that the two populations, Cluster 1 and Cluster 2, were different
In order to categorize the herbicide resistance levels of these populations, the rating system for S (susceptible) and R (resistant) classification described by Moss et al. (2007) was adopted. The ratings of S, R?, RR and RRR were based on comparing the percentage of weed control at 250 g a.i. ha-1 (recommended labeled dose of quinclorac for barnyardgrass control). Prior to this study, there was no official report estimating the LD90 of
Locations and results of quinclorac resistance characterization are shown in Fig. 2. There were three populations in category R? (resistance maybe evolving) with R/S ratios of 1.9~2.2 and percent control at the labeled dose ranging from 73~76%. The R/S ratios of the four populations in category RR ranged from 2.3~3.8 with control efficacy of 47~50% at labeled dose. The highest resistance group RRR contained 4 populations with R/S ratios from 4.9~6.3, and the labeled dose provided 5-32% weed control within this group.
The most resistant population was CT-02 with a considerably high LD90 value, 1813 g a.i ha-1, indicating that quinclorac at the commercial dose will no longer control this population, higher dose of quinclorac was required to control the RR and RRR populations, therefore, quinclorac use was not economically favored and likely impractical for field weed control of these populations.
The main target weed of this study at the beginning was
The genetic distance between populations within subclusters and quinclorac resistance level were analyzed in order to find a possible correlation between genetic similarity (RAPD results) and resistance level. In general, genetic distance did not correlate to quinclorac resistance. Within Cluster 1.1, there were two populations of CT-10 and KG-01 linked at 0.22 genetic distance level, but their LD90s differed over 6-fold (1408 versus 210 g a.i ha-1). Similar to Cluster 1, different levels of quinclorac resistance were found in six populations in Cluster 1.2 (genetic distance 0.17). Two groups of TG-03 and HG-06 and HG-02 and CT-08 showed minor differences in genetic distance (0.09 to 0.1, respectively) but the resistance levels to quinclorac were categorized differently between those populations (Table 2). On the other hand, populations that showed similar LD90 exhibited high genetic distance. For example, CT-10 (Cluster 1.1) and A-R (Cluster 2.2) showed similarity in LD90 (1406 and 1487 g a.i ha-1) but were genetically dissimilar; these two populations were linked at 0.39 genetic distance level. Similarly, VL-01 and KG-01, were both identified as same susceptible to quinclorac, but the two populations were distantly related at a 0.39 genetic distance level.
Table 2 . Lethal dose of quinclorac needed to kill 90% of the population (LD90) and the Resistant level of 15
Population | Quinclorac LD90 (g a.i ha-1) | R/S | % control at 250 g a.i ha-1 | Category* |
KG-01 | 210f | - | 97a | |
VL-01 | 228f | - | 92a | |
TG-03 | 272f | - | 88ab | |
HG-03 | 348ef | - | 88ab | |
CT-08 | 545e | 1.9 | 76b | |
HG-06 | 558e | 1.9 | 73b | |
CT-01 | 643d | 2.2 | 74b | |
CT-04 | 659d | 2.3 | 50c | |
HG-02 | 678d | 2.4 | 48c | |
A-S | 686d | 2.4 | 45c | |
HG-01 | 1087c | 3.8 | 47c | |
CT-10 | 1406b | 4.9 | 32d | |
A-R | 1487b | 5.2 | 18e | |
VL-03 | 1606a | 5.6 | 8e | |
CT-02 | 1813a | 6.3 | 5e |
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 (
*Resistance level rating based on % control at label dose and R rating scale suggested by Moss et al. (2007) where control efficacy at label dose of susceptible (S) is 81 ~ 100%; R? is 72 ~ 80%; RR is 36 ~ 71% and RRR is 0 ~ 35%.
The authors gratefully acknowledge Dave Ouse, Debbie Bingham-Burr, Staci Weaver and Bill Moskal of Research and Development, Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis for valuable research support. We also appreciate Dr. Jason Norsworthy, the University of Arkansas for donating the weed seed and giving us permission to use them for the study.
The dendrogram of 15
Geographic distribution of 13
Table 1 . Six informative primers in RAPD analysis of
No | Name | Sequence 5’-3’ | Number of amplified bands | Number of polymorphic band | Percent of polymorphic band |
1 | OP-E01 | CCCAAGGTCC | 8 | 7 | 87.5% |
2 | OP-H02 | TCGGACGTGA | 10 | 9 | 90.0% |
3 | OP-N07 | CAGCCCAGAG | 9 | 6 | 66.7% |
4 | OP-K20 | GTGTCGCGAG | 9 | 8 | 88.9% |
5 | DAS04 | TGAGGAGGAG | 10 | 10 | 100.0% |
6 | DAS08 | AACGTCTGCC | 9 | 6 | 66.7% |
Total | 55 | 46 | - | ||
Average | 9.1 | 7.7 | % |
*Primers 1-3 were cited from Rutledge et al. 2000, primer 4 was cited in Kim et al. 1998, primers 5-6 were randomly generated.
Table 2 . Lethal dose of quinclorac needed to kill 90% of the population (LD90) and the Resistant level of 15
Population | Quinclorac LD90 (g a.i ha-1) | R/S | % control at 250 g a.i ha-1 | Category* |
KG-01 | 210f | - | 97a | |
VL-01 | 228f | - | 92a | |
TG-03 | 272f | - | 88ab | |
HG-03 | 348ef | - | 88ab | |
CT-08 | 545e | 1.9 | 76b | |
HG-06 | 558e | 1.9 | 73b | |
CT-01 | 643d | 2.2 | 74b | |
CT-04 | 659d | 2.3 | 50c | |
HG-02 | 678d | 2.4 | 48c | |
A-S | 686d | 2.4 | 45c | |
HG-01 | 1087c | 3.8 | 47c | |
CT-10 | 1406b | 4.9 | 32d | |
A-R | 1487b | 5.2 | 18e | |
VL-03 | 1606a | 5.6 | 8e | |
CT-02 | 1813a | 6.3 | 5e |
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 (
*Resistance level rating based on % control at label dose and R rating scale suggested by Moss et al. (2007) where control efficacy at label dose of susceptible (S) is 81 ~ 100%; R? is 72 ~ 80%; RR is 36 ~ 71% and RRR is 0 ~ 35%.
Do-Sin Lee · Dong-Young Kim · Kwang-Hyun Jo · Jeong-Ho Baek · Sung-Hwan Jo
J Plant Biotechnol 2024; 51(1): 344-353Nhat-Anh Tran-Nguyen・My Y Huynh・Hong Hanh Doan・Phuong Ngo Diem Quach・Thanh-Hao Nguyen・ Vi An Ly
J Plant Biotechnol 2024; 51(1): 24-32Byung Jun Jin · Hyun Jin Chun · Hyun Min Cho · Su Hyeon Lee · Cheol Woo Choi · Wook-Hun Jung · Dongwon Baek · Chang-deok Han · Min Chul Kim
J Plant Biotechnol 2019; 46(3): 205-216
Journal of
Plant BiotechnologyThe dendrogram of 15
Geographic distribution of 13