Research Article

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J Plant Biotechnol 2016; 43(2): 174-180

Published online June 30, 2016

© The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology

Genetic diversity analysis of Glycyrrhiza uralensis using 8 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers

Yurry Um, Mei-Lan Jin, Yi Lee, Mok Hur, Seon Woo Cha, Chan Sik Jung, Seong Min Kim, and Jeong-Hoon Lee*

Department of Herbal Crop Research, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Eumseong 27709, Korea,
Department of Industrial Plant Science and Technology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, Korea,
Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 32439, Korea

Correspondence to : e-mail:

Received: 30 May 2016; Revised: 7 June 2016; Accepted: 16 June 2016

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza spp.) is an important herb, but the major portion of the national demand is imported to Korea because the domestic production base is vulnerable. We performed basic molecular breeding research for domestic cultivation and production. All publicly available G. uralensis EST sequences, which totaled 56,089, were assembled into 4,821 unigenes and examined for microsatellites. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified and 16 G. uralensis and 6 G. glabra accessions, which were collected from different locations, were genotyped using the microsatellites. Genetic diversity within the accessions was estimated by construction of a dendrogram. The dendrogram was clustered into two groups. The results showed that there is a correlative genetic relationship between species. The microsatellite markers were found to be useful for diversity analysis as they are able to successfully distinguish the Glycyrrhiza accessions.

Keywords Glycyrrhiza, Microsatellites, Genetic diversity

Our experimental focus for this study was to analyze the genetic relationship between the collections of licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza spp.), which is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs and has been used as a Chinese herbal medicine to treat infectious diseases for over 3,000 years (Zhang and Ye 2009). Moreover, the use of licorice dates back thousands of years, and it is widely used as a crude drug, a natural sweetener for foods, and a flavoring agent for American tobacco (Sudo et al. 2009). Licorice is made from the dried roots and rhizomes (stolons) of Glycyrrhiza uralensis, G. glabra, and G. inflata. The plants are leguminous and native to Northern Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. There are approximately 30 Glycyrrhiza species in the world (Asl and Hosseinzadeh, 2008). Toward improving natural resource conservation and breeding, recent research projects using several molecular marker types were focused on licorice plant’s genetic diversity and population analysis (Erayman et al. 2014; Liu et al. 2015).

Divergence of wild populations has been analyzed using several molecular markers. Molecular genetic diversity studies for Glycyrrhiza species were performed with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Khan et al. 2009), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) (Yao et al. 2008), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) (Erayman et al. 2014; Liu et al. 2015). Yamazaki et al. (1994) adopted RAPD and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses to analyze genetic relationships of Glycyrrhiza species and found that G. glabra L. and G. uralensis Fisch are different species. Among the molecular markers, microsatellites or SSRs have been proved to be highly informative DNA markers due to their high degree of polymorphism and co-dominant mode of inheritance and genome-wide distribution. SSR markers are widely used for various genetic analyses such as genome mapping, cultivar identification, marker-assisted selection, genetic diversity analysis, phylogenetic relationship analysis, and population and evolutionary studies (Wang et al. 2009; Kalia et al. 2011). EST-based microsatellite markers are gene-targeted markers with known or putative functions; we can select the alleles if they are related to a targeted trait (Sorrells and Wilson 1997). In addition, EST-based microsatellite markers could be used in different species because of their highly conserved nature (Varshney et al. 2005a,b). With advances in sequencing technology, a huge amount of EST data has been produced for various species, including G. uralensis. These data are available in databases and can be economically and easily mined for EST-based microsatellite markers. In this work, publicly available G. uralensis EST sequences were assembled for the development of microsatellites. Identified microsatellites were used to test the genetic relationship and transferability in Glycyrrhiza species.

Plant materials

A total of 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions, including two Glycyrrhiza species, used in this study were collected from Canada, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, China, and Korea (Table 1). The accessions include G. glabra and G. uralensis. Plant materials were collected from 1-year-old fresh, healthy plants grown in a field in Eumseong, Korea. Glycyrrhiza leaf tissues were harvested from each genetic resource. The harvested leaf tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen for genomic DNA isolation. Genomic DNA was isolated using DNeasy Plant mini kit (QIAGEN, Tokyo, Japan) according to the manufacturer’s specifications. All DNA samples were preserved at -80°C until analyses were performed.

Table 1 Glycyrrhiza spp. accessions used in this study

No.Sample name?SpeciesLocation
11AG. uralensisKOR
21BG. uralensis˝
31CG. uralensis˝
42AG. glabraCAN
52BG. glabra˝
62DG. glabra˝
72EG. glabra˝
83AG. uralensisMNG
93CG. uralensis˝
103EG. uralensis˝
114CG. uralensisMNG
125AG. uralensisMNG
135BG. uralensis˝
145CG. uralensis˝
155DG. uralensis˝
165EG. uralensis˝
176AG. glabraUZB
186BG. glabra˝
197AG. uralensisCHN
207BG. uralensis˝
217CG. uralensis˝
227EG. uralensis˝

KOR, Korea; CAN, Canada; MNG, Mongolia; UZB, Uzbekistan; CHN, China

Data processing and assembly

All available G. uralensis sequences (56,089 ESTs; Table 2) were downloaded from NCBI ( in August 2014. SeqClean ( files/seqclean-x86_64.tgz/download) was used to remove potential impurities such as vectors, adapters, linkers, etc. The parameters of SeqClean were set so that the program would not remove poly(A)/(T) tails, as having poly(A)/(T) tails in the sequence could be helpful (Morin et al. 2008). The data analysis was performed using MISA script (http://pgrc.ipk- software (Chevreux et al. 2004) to search for SSR occurrences per contig. The default settings for the parameters were used with a few changes as follows: uniform read distribution (off), masking poly(A)/(T) tails (on), no quality file requirement (on), quality clipping (on), extra gap penalty (on), and non-IUPAC consensus pre seq type was forced. Ontological analysis of the EST assembly was conducted using Blast2Go (Conesa et al. 2005).

Table 2 Statistics on EST sequences in Glycyrrhiza uralensis

Total number of sequences downloaded56,089
Total size of downloaded sequences (bp)26,955,389
Number of cleaned EST sequences55,942
Total number of sequences examined4,821
Total number of identified SSRs5,536
Number of SSRs containing sequences3,053
Number of sequences containing more than one EST-SSR1,484

PCR amplification and genotyping

A total of 4,821 unigenes obtained from the assembly were subjected to SSRIT to identify SSRs (Temnykh et al. 2001) and to design primers using Primer3 (Koressaar and Remm 2007; Untergrasser et al. 2012). The default settings of the program were used with some adjustments: product size 250 ~ 500 bp, optimum 300 bp; primer size 18 ~ 25 nt, optimum 22 nt; primer Tm 55 ~ 60°C, optimum 57°C; primer GC content 40 ~ 60%, optimum 50%. Single PCRs were carried out for the 22 accessions with 8 EST-based microsatellite primers. The PCR mix contained 2 pmol and FAM-labelled primers and 2 pmol of the forward primer in a 25 ml reaction volume with 2.5 ml PCR buffer, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 2 mM MgCl2, 50 ~ 100 ng template DNA, and 1 U Taq DNA polymerase. Conditions for all PCR amplifications were as follows: 94°C for 5 min, then 30 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 58°C for 45 s and 72°C for 45 s, final extension at 72°C for 10 min. PCR products were separated in a 2.0% agarose gel to visualize PCR amplification. PCR primer sets used in these experiments are listed in Table 2. Forward primers were labeled with a virtual dye 6-FAM, NED, VIC or PET (Applied Biosystems). After PCR amplification, 0.2 ml of PCR products was mixed with 9.8 ml Hi-Di formamide (Applied Biosystems) and 0.2 ml of GeneScanTM 500 LIZ? size standard (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). The mixture was denatured at 95°C for 5 min and placed on ice. The amplified fragments were separated by capillary electrophoresis on the ABI 3730 DNA analyzer (Applied Biosystems) using a 50-cm capillary with a DS-33 install standard as a matrix. We analyzed the amplicon size using the GeneMapper software (version 4.0; Applied Biosystems).

Data analysis for genetic diversity

For each accession, fragments amplified with the EST-based microsatellite markers were scored as present (1) or absent (0). Genetic parameters including major allele frequency (MAF), number of alleles (NA), genetic diversity (GD), expected heterozygosity (HE), and polymorphic information content (PIC) were measured by calculating the shared allele frequencies using the PowerMarker software (version 3.25) (Liu and Muse 2005). The data were then used to compute the PIC value for each polymorphic marker fragment according to the formula: PICi = 2fi (1-fi) where fi is the frequency of band presence (Rold?n-Ruiz et al. 2000). The correlation of geographic and genetic distances from principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) was performed using NTSYS software v. 2.2 (Rohlf 2000; Rohlf 2004). A dendrogram was made using unweighted neighbour-joining method. Bootstrap analysis was performed with 1,000 replications. Mantel’s test was used to determine the correlation of the dissimilarity matrix and the dendrogram.

Assembly and annotation

A total of 56,089 EST sequence reads from a publicly available Glycyrrhiza EST database (NCBI) were cleaned using SeqClean software (Table 2). After cleaning, 55,492 ESTs were assembled with CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC bio, Aarbus, Denmark). As a result, 55,492 reads were assembled into 12,061 singletons and 2,867 contigs. The singleton and contigs represented 4,821 unigenes ranging from 81 to 3,786 nucleotides in length, with an average length of 656 nt. Microsatellite search module (MISA) was used to identify the microsatellite loci from the 4,821 unigenes. In total, 3,053 SSRs distributed in 4,821 unigenes (63.3%) were found- roughly, one SSR for each 8.7 kb of the marker evaluation and polymorphism detection,

Abundance and distribution of EST-based microsatellites

Hexa-nucleotide repeats ranked in highest abundance, accounting for 63.78% of the SSRs. Hepta-, di-, and tri- nucleotide repeats were next in abundance, accounting for 10.77, 8.27, and 6.97% of the SSRs. Penta-, octa-, nona-, and tetra-nucleotide repeats were rarer (2.87, 2.87, 2.82, and 1.28 %, respectively), and deca-nucleotides together accounted for less than 1% of the identified SSRs. Among di-nucleotide repeats, (AG/CT)n accounted for 44.71% of di-nucleotide repeats (Table 3). Among tri-nucleotide repeats, (GAA/TTC)n and (AGA/TCT)n were the most abundant repeat motifs and represented 10.37 and 10.16% of tri-nucleotides, respectively. Among the tetra-nucleotide repeats, (CAAG/CTTG)n was most abundant, with each accounting for 11.89% of the tetra-nucleotides. Only one motif (CATAC/GTATG)n accounted for 17.96% of hepta-nucleotides (Table 4).

Table 3 Frequencies of microsatellite repeat by type in the Glycyrrhiza EST database

???Repeat typesNumber of SSRsProportion of all SSRs (%)


Table 4 The most abundant microsatellite motifs in the EST database. Only motifs accounting for 5% or more of each repeat type (i.e. di-, tri-, tetra-nucleotide, etc.) are included

?SSR type?SSR motifNumber of SSR motifsPercentage of SSR motif
Di-nucleotide AG/CT1,42144.71
Tri-nucleotide GAA/TTC30010.37
Tetra-nucleotide CAAG/CTTG6111.89

Marker evaluation and polymorphism detection

A total of 125 primer pairs were designed from di- to tetra- nucleotide EST-SSRs. The EST-SSR primers were selected based on high G/C content, melting temperature of 55 ~ 60°C. These primers were tested on a subset of G. uralensis accessions (sample No.1 line). Most of the primers (95 primer pairs, 76%) produced amplicons; however, 30 primer pairs (24%) failed to amplify the loci. Finally, eight EST-based microsatellite markers with clear amplification fragments on agarose gel were selected and tested for polymorphism in 2 Glycyrrhiza species. Detailed information and accession genetic parameters regarding these eight novel polymorphic Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite primers are shown in Table 5. According to gene annotation with BLASTx, the eight polymorphic Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite containing genes were homologous to the genes involved in amino acid synthesis. EST-based microsatellite variations in these genes could show their potential role in differentiation or evolution (Varshney et al. 2005), which can be helpful for diversity studies, cross- species transferability, and breeding in larch species (Zhang et al. 2015).

Table 5 Primers used for Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite markers

MarkerAccession No.SSR Modif.SSR specific primer (5’→3’)Product size (bp)


Table 6 Characteristics of 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Glycyrrhiza ssp



MAF, major allele frequency; NA, number of alleles; GD, genetic diversity; HE, expected heterozygosity; PIC, polymorphism information content

Major allele frequency (MAF) varied from 0.28 for GlySSR2 to 0.88 for GlySSR3 with average MAF of 0.55. A total of 40 alleles, ranging from 3 for GlySSR3 to 7 for GlySSR5, were observed among 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions, with an average of 5.0 alleles per locus. The average values of genetic diversity (GD) were 0.60, ranging from 0.22 for GlySSR3 to 0.79 for GlySSR2 and GlySSR5, respectively. The average expected heterozygosity (HE) was 0.35, ranging from 0.08 for GlySSR3 to 0.48 for GlySSR2. PIC values were calculated for each polymorphic marker using a method that gives a maximum value of 0.50 (Roldan-Ruiz et al. 2000). For all accessions, average PIC values ranged from 0.20 for GlySSR3 to 0.76 for GlySSR2 and GlySSR5, with an average PIC of 0.56.

Assessment of genetic diversity in Glycyrrhiza with EST-based microsatellite markers

A total of 40 polymorphic fragments from 8 EST based microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic diversity in the Glycyrrhiza species accessions and Astragalus membranaceus as an out group resource. The data were used to compute a genetic similarity matrix using the PowerMarker and unweighted neighbour-joining algorithm with NTSYS. The resulting dendrogram was very highly correlated with the distance matrix as determined. Finally, the Glycyrrhiza species accessions were divided into two groups (Fig. 1). CladeⅠcontained 16 accessions, all of which were land races collected from different G. uralensis-growing locations in Mongolia, China, and South Korea. This cluster had an average genetic distance value (coefficient) of 0.88, with minimum and maximum coefficient of 0.76 and 1.00, respectively. Clade Ⅱ contained two clusters encompassing 6 accessions, which showed clearly the classification. These were land races collected from different G. glabra-growing locations in Canada and Uzbekistan.

Fig. 1.

Dendrogram of the Glycyrrhiza accessions based on the Dice coefficient as calculated from the EST-based microsatellite marker data. A total of 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions were used for grouping with Astragalus membranaceus as the out group. Bootstrap values (1,000 replications) greater than 50% are indicated on branches

Eight microsatellite markers would be useful for studies of the genetic diversity, population structure, and evolutionary relationships among Glycyrrhiza species. The amplification was further examined in two specie-G. uralensis and G. glabra-which are also indigenous and important medicinal plants in South Korea.

The development of functional markers such as EST-based microsatellite is becoming a valuable study for plants, especially in marker-assisted breeding one. However, the number of EST-based microsatellite markers for Glycyrrhiza species is very few because the public resource is limited. In this research, a set of EST-based microsatellites, derived from G. uralensis EST sequences available from the NCBI database, was newly developed. A total of eight polymorphic EST-based microsatellite markers were finally selected and tested across G. uralensis and G. glabra. These novel EST-based microsatellite markers would be helpful for future research on genetic diversity, population structure, linkage map construction, or QTL mapping in Glycyrrhiza species. At this time, the number of EST-based microsatellite markers is limited, but this situation will be substantially changed by the application of next-generation sequencing. At present, large-scale transcript sequences for G. uralensis (Liu et al. 2015) have been deposited in the NCBI database and the information can be easily employed to develop functional genomic-based molecular markers at the genome scale in future studies.

This work was carried out with the support of “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ01028801)” Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

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Research Article

J Plant Biotechnol 2016; 43(2): 174-180

Published online June 30, 2016

Copyright © The Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology.

Genetic diversity analysis of Glycyrrhiza uralensis using 8 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers

Yurry Um, Mei-Lan Jin, Yi Lee, Mok Hur, Seon Woo Cha, Chan Sik Jung, Seong Min Kim, and Jeong-Hoon Lee*

Department of Herbal Crop Research, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration, Eumseong 27709, Korea,
Department of Industrial Plant Science and Technology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, Korea,
Department of Plant Resources, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan 32439, Korea

Correspondence to:e-mail:

Received: 30 May 2016; Revised: 7 June 2016; Accepted: 16 June 2016

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza spp.) is an important herb, but the major portion of the national demand is imported to Korea because the domestic production base is vulnerable. We performed basic molecular breeding research for domestic cultivation and production. All publicly available G. uralensis EST sequences, which totaled 56,089, were assembled into 4,821 unigenes and examined for microsatellites. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified and 16 G. uralensis and 6 G. glabra accessions, which were collected from different locations, were genotyped using the microsatellites. Genetic diversity within the accessions was estimated by construction of a dendrogram. The dendrogram was clustered into two groups. The results showed that there is a correlative genetic relationship between species. The microsatellite markers were found to be useful for diversity analysis as they are able to successfully distinguish the Glycyrrhiza accessions.

Keywords: Glycyrrhiza, Microsatellites, Genetic diversity


Our experimental focus for this study was to analyze the genetic relationship between the collections of licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza spp.), which is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs and has been used as a Chinese herbal medicine to treat infectious diseases for over 3,000 years (Zhang and Ye 2009). Moreover, the use of licorice dates back thousands of years, and it is widely used as a crude drug, a natural sweetener for foods, and a flavoring agent for American tobacco (Sudo et al. 2009). Licorice is made from the dried roots and rhizomes (stolons) of Glycyrrhiza uralensis, G. glabra, and G. inflata. The plants are leguminous and native to Northern Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. There are approximately 30 Glycyrrhiza species in the world (Asl and Hosseinzadeh, 2008). Toward improving natural resource conservation and breeding, recent research projects using several molecular marker types were focused on licorice plant’s genetic diversity and population analysis (Erayman et al. 2014; Liu et al. 2015).

Divergence of wild populations has been analyzed using several molecular markers. Molecular genetic diversity studies for Glycyrrhiza species were performed with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Khan et al. 2009), inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) (Yao et al. 2008), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) (Erayman et al. 2014; Liu et al. 2015). Yamazaki et al. (1994) adopted RAPD and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses to analyze genetic relationships of Glycyrrhiza species and found that G. glabra L. and G. uralensis Fisch are different species. Among the molecular markers, microsatellites or SSRs have been proved to be highly informative DNA markers due to their high degree of polymorphism and co-dominant mode of inheritance and genome-wide distribution. SSR markers are widely used for various genetic analyses such as genome mapping, cultivar identification, marker-assisted selection, genetic diversity analysis, phylogenetic relationship analysis, and population and evolutionary studies (Wang et al. 2009; Kalia et al. 2011). EST-based microsatellite markers are gene-targeted markers with known or putative functions; we can select the alleles if they are related to a targeted trait (Sorrells and Wilson 1997). In addition, EST-based microsatellite markers could be used in different species because of their highly conserved nature (Varshney et al. 2005a,b). With advances in sequencing technology, a huge amount of EST data has been produced for various species, including G. uralensis. These data are available in databases and can be economically and easily mined for EST-based microsatellite markers. In this work, publicly available G. uralensis EST sequences were assembled for the development of microsatellites. Identified microsatellites were used to test the genetic relationship and transferability in Glycyrrhiza species.

Materials and Methods

Plant materials

A total of 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions, including two Glycyrrhiza species, used in this study were collected from Canada, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, China, and Korea (Table 1). The accessions include G. glabra and G. uralensis. Plant materials were collected from 1-year-old fresh, healthy plants grown in a field in Eumseong, Korea. Glycyrrhiza leaf tissues were harvested from each genetic resource. The harvested leaf tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen for genomic DNA isolation. Genomic DNA was isolated using DNeasy Plant mini kit (QIAGEN, Tokyo, Japan) according to the manufacturer’s specifications. All DNA samples were preserved at -80°C until analyses were performed.

Table 1 . Glycyrrhiza spp. accessions used in this study.

No.Sample name?SpeciesLocation
11AG. uralensisKOR
21BG. uralensis˝
31CG. uralensis˝
42AG. glabraCAN
52BG. glabra˝
62DG. glabra˝
72EG. glabra˝
83AG. uralensisMNG
93CG. uralensis˝
103EG. uralensis˝
114CG. uralensisMNG
125AG. uralensisMNG
135BG. uralensis˝
145CG. uralensis˝
155DG. uralensis˝
165EG. uralensis˝
176AG. glabraUZB
186BG. glabra˝
197AG. uralensisCHN
207BG. uralensis˝
217CG. uralensis˝
227EG. uralensis˝

KOR, Korea; CAN, Canada; MNG, Mongolia; UZB, Uzbekistan; CHN, China.

Data processing and assembly

All available G. uralensis sequences (56,089 ESTs; Table 2) were downloaded from NCBI ( in August 2014. SeqClean ( files/seqclean-x86_64.tgz/download) was used to remove potential impurities such as vectors, adapters, linkers, etc. The parameters of SeqClean were set so that the program would not remove poly(A)/(T) tails, as having poly(A)/(T) tails in the sequence could be helpful (Morin et al. 2008). The data analysis was performed using MISA script (http://pgrc.ipk- software (Chevreux et al. 2004) to search for SSR occurrences per contig. The default settings for the parameters were used with a few changes as follows: uniform read distribution (off), masking poly(A)/(T) tails (on), no quality file requirement (on), quality clipping (on), extra gap penalty (on), and non-IUPAC consensus pre seq type was forced. Ontological analysis of the EST assembly was conducted using Blast2Go (Conesa et al. 2005).

Table 2 . Statistics on EST sequences in Glycyrrhiza uralensis.

Total number of sequences downloaded56,089
Total size of downloaded sequences (bp)26,955,389
Number of cleaned EST sequences55,942
Total number of sequences examined4,821
Total number of identified SSRs5,536
Number of SSRs containing sequences3,053
Number of sequences containing more than one EST-SSR1,484

PCR amplification and genotyping

A total of 4,821 unigenes obtained from the assembly were subjected to SSRIT to identify SSRs (Temnykh et al. 2001) and to design primers using Primer3 (Koressaar and Remm 2007; Untergrasser et al. 2012). The default settings of the program were used with some adjustments: product size 250 ~ 500 bp, optimum 300 bp; primer size 18 ~ 25 nt, optimum 22 nt; primer Tm 55 ~ 60°C, optimum 57°C; primer GC content 40 ~ 60%, optimum 50%. Single PCRs were carried out for the 22 accessions with 8 EST-based microsatellite primers. The PCR mix contained 2 pmol and FAM-labelled primers and 2 pmol of the forward primer in a 25 ml reaction volume with 2.5 ml PCR buffer, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 2 mM MgCl2, 50 ~ 100 ng template DNA, and 1 U Taq DNA polymerase. Conditions for all PCR amplifications were as follows: 94°C for 5 min, then 30 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 58°C for 45 s and 72°C for 45 s, final extension at 72°C for 10 min. PCR products were separated in a 2.0% agarose gel to visualize PCR amplification. PCR primer sets used in these experiments are listed in Table 2. Forward primers were labeled with a virtual dye 6-FAM, NED, VIC or PET (Applied Biosystems). After PCR amplification, 0.2 ml of PCR products was mixed with 9.8 ml Hi-Di formamide (Applied Biosystems) and 0.2 ml of GeneScanTM 500 LIZ? size standard (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). The mixture was denatured at 95°C for 5 min and placed on ice. The amplified fragments were separated by capillary electrophoresis on the ABI 3730 DNA analyzer (Applied Biosystems) using a 50-cm capillary with a DS-33 install standard as a matrix. We analyzed the amplicon size using the GeneMapper software (version 4.0; Applied Biosystems).

Data analysis for genetic diversity

For each accession, fragments amplified with the EST-based microsatellite markers were scored as present (1) or absent (0). Genetic parameters including major allele frequency (MAF), number of alleles (NA), genetic diversity (GD), expected heterozygosity (HE), and polymorphic information content (PIC) were measured by calculating the shared allele frequencies using the PowerMarker software (version 3.25) (Liu and Muse 2005). The data were then used to compute the PIC value for each polymorphic marker fragment according to the formula: PICi = 2fi (1-fi) where fi is the frequency of band presence (Rold?n-Ruiz et al. 2000). The correlation of geographic and genetic distances from principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) was performed using NTSYS software v. 2.2 (Rohlf 2000; Rohlf 2004). A dendrogram was made using unweighted neighbour-joining method. Bootstrap analysis was performed with 1,000 replications. Mantel’s test was used to determine the correlation of the dissimilarity matrix and the dendrogram.

Results and Discussion

Assembly and annotation

A total of 56,089 EST sequence reads from a publicly available Glycyrrhiza EST database (NCBI) were cleaned using SeqClean software (Table 2). After cleaning, 55,492 ESTs were assembled with CLC Genomics Workbench (CLC bio, Aarbus, Denmark). As a result, 55,492 reads were assembled into 12,061 singletons and 2,867 contigs. The singleton and contigs represented 4,821 unigenes ranging from 81 to 3,786 nucleotides in length, with an average length of 656 nt. Microsatellite search module (MISA) was used to identify the microsatellite loci from the 4,821 unigenes. In total, 3,053 SSRs distributed in 4,821 unigenes (63.3%) were found- roughly, one SSR for each 8.7 kb of the marker evaluation and polymorphism detection,

Abundance and distribution of EST-based microsatellites

Hexa-nucleotide repeats ranked in highest abundance, accounting for 63.78% of the SSRs. Hepta-, di-, and tri- nucleotide repeats were next in abundance, accounting for 10.77, 8.27, and 6.97% of the SSRs. Penta-, octa-, nona-, and tetra-nucleotide repeats were rarer (2.87, 2.87, 2.82, and 1.28 %, respectively), and deca-nucleotides together accounted for less than 1% of the identified SSRs. Among di-nucleotide repeats, (AG/CT)n accounted for 44.71% of di-nucleotide repeats (Table 3). Among tri-nucleotide repeats, (GAA/TTC)n and (AGA/TCT)n were the most abundant repeat motifs and represented 10.37 and 10.16% of tri-nucleotides, respectively. Among the tetra-nucleotide repeats, (CAAG/CTTG)n was most abundant, with each accounting for 11.89% of the tetra-nucleotides. Only one motif (CATAC/GTATG)n accounted for 17.96% of hepta-nucleotides (Table 4).

Table 3 . Frequencies of microsatellite repeat by type in the Glycyrrhiza EST database.

???Repeat typesNumber of SSRsProportion of all SSRs (%)


Table 4 . The most abundant microsatellite motifs in the EST database. Only motifs accounting for 5% or more of each repeat type (i.e. di-, tri-, tetra-nucleotide, etc.) are included.

?SSR type?SSR motifNumber of SSR motifsPercentage of SSR motif
Di-nucleotide AG/CT1,42144.71
Tri-nucleotide GAA/TTC30010.37
Tetra-nucleotide CAAG/CTTG6111.89

Marker evaluation and polymorphism detection.

A total of 125 primer pairs were designed from di- to tetra- nucleotide EST-SSRs. The EST-SSR primers were selected based on high G/C content, melting temperature of 55 ~ 60°C. These primers were tested on a subset of G. uralensis accessions (sample No.1 line). Most of the primers (95 primer pairs, 76%) produced amplicons; however, 30 primer pairs (24%) failed to amplify the loci. Finally, eight EST-based microsatellite markers with clear amplification fragments on agarose gel were selected and tested for polymorphism in 2 Glycyrrhiza species. Detailed information and accession genetic parameters regarding these eight novel polymorphic Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite primers are shown in Table 5. According to gene annotation with BLASTx, the eight polymorphic Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite containing genes were homologous to the genes involved in amino acid synthesis. EST-based microsatellite variations in these genes could show their potential role in differentiation or evolution (Varshney et al. 2005), which can be helpful for diversity studies, cross- species transferability, and breeding in larch species (Zhang et al. 2015).

Table 5 . Primers used for Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite markers.

MarkerAccession No.SSR Modif.SSR specific primer (5’→3’)Product size (bp)


Table 6 . Characteristics of 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Glycyrrhiza ssp.



MAF, major allele frequency; NA, number of alleles; GD, genetic diversity; HE, expected heterozygosity; PIC, polymorphism information content.

Major allele frequency (MAF) varied from 0.28 for GlySSR2 to 0.88 for GlySSR3 with average MAF of 0.55. A total of 40 alleles, ranging from 3 for GlySSR3 to 7 for GlySSR5, were observed among 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions, with an average of 5.0 alleles per locus. The average values of genetic diversity (GD) were 0.60, ranging from 0.22 for GlySSR3 to 0.79 for GlySSR2 and GlySSR5, respectively. The average expected heterozygosity (HE) was 0.35, ranging from 0.08 for GlySSR3 to 0.48 for GlySSR2. PIC values were calculated for each polymorphic marker using a method that gives a maximum value of 0.50 (Roldan-Ruiz et al. 2000). For all accessions, average PIC values ranged from 0.20 for GlySSR3 to 0.76 for GlySSR2 and GlySSR5, with an average PIC of 0.56.

Assessment of genetic diversity in Glycyrrhiza with EST-based microsatellite markers

A total of 40 polymorphic fragments from 8 EST based microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic diversity in the Glycyrrhiza species accessions and Astragalus membranaceus as an out group resource. The data were used to compute a genetic similarity matrix using the PowerMarker and unweighted neighbour-joining algorithm with NTSYS. The resulting dendrogram was very highly correlated with the distance matrix as determined. Finally, the Glycyrrhiza species accessions were divided into two groups (Fig. 1). CladeⅠcontained 16 accessions, all of which were land races collected from different G. uralensis-growing locations in Mongolia, China, and South Korea. This cluster had an average genetic distance value (coefficient) of 0.88, with minimum and maximum coefficient of 0.76 and 1.00, respectively. Clade Ⅱ contained two clusters encompassing 6 accessions, which showed clearly the classification. These were land races collected from different G. glabra-growing locations in Canada and Uzbekistan.

Figure 1.

Dendrogram of the Glycyrrhiza accessions based on the Dice coefficient as calculated from the EST-based microsatellite marker data. A total of 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions were used for grouping with Astragalus membranaceus as the out group. Bootstrap values (1,000 replications) greater than 50% are indicated on branches

Eight microsatellite markers would be useful for studies of the genetic diversity, population structure, and evolutionary relationships among Glycyrrhiza species. The amplification was further examined in two specie-G. uralensis and G. glabra-which are also indigenous and important medicinal plants in South Korea.

The development of functional markers such as EST-based microsatellite is becoming a valuable study for plants, especially in marker-assisted breeding one. However, the number of EST-based microsatellite markers for Glycyrrhiza species is very few because the public resource is limited. In this research, a set of EST-based microsatellites, derived from G. uralensis EST sequences available from the NCBI database, was newly developed. A total of eight polymorphic EST-based microsatellite markers were finally selected and tested across G. uralensis and G. glabra. These novel EST-based microsatellite markers would be helpful for future research on genetic diversity, population structure, linkage map construction, or QTL mapping in Glycyrrhiza species. At this time, the number of EST-based microsatellite markers is limited, but this situation will be substantially changed by the application of next-generation sequencing. At present, large-scale transcript sequences for G. uralensis (Liu et al. 2015) have been deposited in the NCBI database and the information can be easily employed to develop functional genomic-based molecular markers at the genome scale in future studies.


This work was carried out with the support of “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ01028801)” Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.

Dendrogram of the Glycyrrhiza accessions based on the Dice coefficient as calculated from the EST-based microsatellite marker data. A total of 22 Glycyrrhiza accessions were used for grouping with Astragalus membranaceus as the out group. Bootstrap values (1,000 replications) greater than 50% are indicated on branches

Journal of Plant Biotechnology 2016; 43: 174-180

Table 1 . Glycyrrhiza spp. accessions used in this study.

No.Sample name?SpeciesLocation
11AG. uralensisKOR
21BG. uralensis˝
31CG. uralensis˝
42AG. glabraCAN
52BG. glabra˝
62DG. glabra˝
72EG. glabra˝
83AG. uralensisMNG
93CG. uralensis˝
103EG. uralensis˝
114CG. uralensisMNG
125AG. uralensisMNG
135BG. uralensis˝
145CG. uralensis˝
155DG. uralensis˝
165EG. uralensis˝
176AG. glabraUZB
186BG. glabra˝
197AG. uralensisCHN
207BG. uralensis˝
217CG. uralensis˝
227EG. uralensis˝

KOR, Korea; CAN, Canada; MNG, Mongolia; UZB, Uzbekistan; CHN, China.

Table 2 . Statistics on EST sequences in Glycyrrhiza uralensis.

Total number of sequences downloaded56,089
Total size of downloaded sequences (bp)26,955,389
Number of cleaned EST sequences55,942
Total number of sequences examined4,821
Total number of identified SSRs5,536
Number of SSRs containing sequences3,053
Number of sequences containing more than one EST-SSR1,484

Table 3 . Frequencies of microsatellite repeat by type in the Glycyrrhiza EST database.

???Repeat typesNumber of SSRsProportion of all SSRs (%)


Table 4 . The most abundant microsatellite motifs in the EST database. Only motifs accounting for 5% or more of each repeat type (i.e. di-, tri-, tetra-nucleotide, etc.) are included.

?SSR type?SSR motifNumber of SSR motifsPercentage of SSR motif
Di-nucleotide AG/CT1,42144.71
Tri-nucleotide GAA/TTC30010.37
Tetra-nucleotide CAAG/CTTG6111.89

Marker evaluation and polymorphism detection.

Table 5 . Primers used for Glycyrrhiza EST-based microsatellite markers.

MarkerAccession No.SSR Modif.SSR specific primer (5’→3’)Product size (bp)


Table 6 . Characteristics of 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Glycyrrhiza ssp.



MAF, major allele frequency; NA, number of alleles; GD, genetic diversity; HE, expected heterozygosity; PIC, polymorphism information content.


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